NES Events | NHS Education for Scotland | The Scottish Practice Management Development Network Annual Conference (1) | resources

Forthcoming Events

The Scottish Practice Management Development Network Annual Conference - A New Road 26 - 27 April 2018

Registration for this Event is now closed, for further details please contact the NES Conference Team on 0131 656 3215/3216/4378 or

Please see below your conference pack material: (we will not be handing out a hard copy of the pack on the day, please bring copies of the materials required)

  • Programme
  • Delegate List (as at 24/04/18) - Please note on registering if you opted out of your details being placed on the delegate list your name will not appear.

For further information and directions to the Edinburgh International Conference Centre please see website link below

If you are unable to access the link or require any assistance with any of the documents please contact 

Charging for Non-Appearance at Events If you have booked a place at this event and do not give us at least 5 working days notice that you are unable to attend we reserve the right to invoice you the sum of £50 to cover the cost of your place plus an administrative charge. If an emergency or other unavoidable situation happened on the day to prevent your attendance, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can take that in to account. If you cannot attend, it is perfectly acceptable for you to send a representative in your place. Please contact

Related Documents

The Scottish Practice Management Development Network Annual Conference - A New Road

Date: 26 - 27 April 2018

Deadline for registering: Friday 13 April 2018

Location: Edinburgh International Conference Centre