NES Events | NHS Education for Scotland | HCS February 2020 | workshop

Forthcoming Events

NES Healthcare Science Trainees and Supervisors Event Friday 07 February 2020

Workshop Sessions

You will have the opportunity to attend workshops (one per session).  Please see below for further details.

1.  'Equivalence' Getting Registered and Can We Trust It? 
Some general rules and considerations that apply to any speciality
(Previously titled: Portfolios, Equivalence, Getting Registered)

Robert Farley, NHS Education for Scotland David Stirling, NHS National Services Scotland / Scottish Government, Elaine Jenkins, Academy for Healthcare Science

Equivalence is the pathway to registration that an individual may offer and an alternative to a standard course or training scheme. What are the pros and cons of this approach, how do we know that the portfolio of work offered is “as good as” the standard route? How do we govern equivalence? What would happen if we did not have it as an option?


2.  STEM- Let's Create Some Interactive Lessons

Ann McQuiston, NHS Education for Scotland Martin Bryce, NHS Education for Scotland

In spite of many young people being interested in science, many still see it as “Not for Them” and accordingly, fewer are studying STEM subjects. This leaves us with a STEM Skills gap, reduces national economic competitiveness as well as a social justice element. This workshop will provide some ideas and inspiration for you to host your own STEM workshop from a recent Foundation Apprentice course request. Can you come up with an idea for a workshop, for a Foundation Apprentice (S4-S6) coming to your workplace, which fulfils the brief of combining lab skills and healthcare?


3.  Healthcare Science E-Learning Material
Developing and Promoting Content: How We Can Help

Andrew Davie and James Logie, NHS Education for Scotland Principal Leads

Last year we tested the appetite for a Healthcare Science e-learning zone on TURAS Learn. We have had some interest in this and have started building a set of resources based on user (your) core content. We explore further some of the modules we have developed, what is in progress and how the service could be developed?


4. Supervisor Support - What support or information do supervisors need in order to support the needs of their trainees? Tell us about networks, forums, websites and shared resources which would help to support supervisors to develop the key attributes of our early career scientists
(Previously titled:  Trainee / Supervisor Networks)

Lorna Crawford and Claire Cameron, NHS Education for Scotland Principal Leads

Supervisors have a key role in fostering our early career scientific staff attributes that will make them rounded scientists, leaders, mentors and role-models for future trainees. What do supervisors need in order to support them to achieve this? Let’s discuss the resources available and what supervisors can do to work together to support our trainees as they move through their training.