NES Events | NHS Education for Scotland | Healthcare Science Postgraduate Scientist Trainees February 2018 | Overview

Forthcoming Events

Healthcare Science Postgraduate Scientist Trainees & Supervisors Annual Conference

Friday 02 February 2018

COSLA, Edinburgh

Deadline for registering: Friday 19 January 2018

Healthcare Science Postgraduate Scientist Trainees & Supervisors Annual Conference Friday 02 February 2018

Registration for this Event is now closed, for further details please contact the NES Conference Team on 0131 656 3215/3216/4378 or

Postgraduate Scientist Training: Commissioning, CPD and Monitoring

NHS Education for Scotland invites healthcare science postgraduate scientist trainees and supervisors to your sixth national conference. The route to becoming a postgraduate scientist is diverse, but there are generic characteristics essential to training. Among the factors influencing completion, successful outcomes depend on: a clear plan, a strong network of support and timely monitoring of progression. Engagement with peers and sight of role models are also critical. Networking and developing “softer” skills are equally important and sometimes overlooked in the process of becoming a scientist. Our event is an opportunity to learn how all these elements are being addressed and NES’s overarching role in monitoring the state of postgraduate training across Scotland. The workshops will explore issues relating to training progression, ongoing scientific practise after training and what we have done to support trainees in their early career phase.

A national event is an opportunity to showcase your poster work and build a repertoire of poster submissions... all good for the CV.

Regardless of identity, specialty or destination, today’s event is an opportunity to hear about the ongoing development of Scotland’s healthcare science postgraduate community and to contribute to it.

Our event is free with complimentary lunch.

Posters and Prizes

Science is about communication. Today’s event is a great way to tell colleagues about any aspect of your work as a scientist, perhaps where you have led a project, been involved in some service improvement or introduced a new technique. Explain why it is important and the benefit. Individual submission prizes of £200 towards CPD support, or £700 for joint submissions of up to 3 trainees.

Prize winners will be exhibited on the NES website as exemplars.

Who Should Attend?

Healthcare science postgraduate trainees and their supervisors.