NES Events | NHS Education for Scotland | Andrew Phillips

Forthcoming Events

Andrew Phillips

Director of Therapies & Health Science

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, NHS Wales

Andy is Executive Director of Therapies and Health Science in ABMU Health Board since 2010.  Andy started his career in clinical research with the MRC in 1987, was appointed as a Consultant Clinical Scientist in 1993 and subsequently led Audiology Services in Grampian, West Glamorgan, Berkshire and Hampshire.  His research career has progressed from large scale epidemiological studies to developing novel physiological tests and for the past fifteen years Andy has been developing and implementing frameworks to support clinicians interacting with patients to co-create health.

Andy’s current responsibilities include professional accountability for 1700 Health Scientists, Psychologists and Therapists. He has worked on service redesign to improve outcomes valued by patients, quality, safety and patient experience and is now focussing on building innovation, research and development capability in partnership with a number of Universities and Commercial Companies.

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