NES Events | NHS Education for Scotland | AHCS Study Day Nov 2018 | workshop

Forthcoming Events

AHCS Healthcare Science Study Day Friday 09 November 2018

Registration for this Event is now closed, for further details please contact the NES Conference Team on 0131 656 3215/3216/4378 or

 You will have the opportunity to attend two of the following workshops:

1.  Equivalence - The Trainee View
The Academy’s equivalence process enables qualified, trained and experienced healthcare science staff to demonstrate equivalence to the relevant Scientist Training Programme (STP), accredited by the National School of Healthcare Science.

This is one of two workshops which explores the STP equivalence process in more detail. The session will be led by a member of AHCS staff and will also draw on the experience of two recent applicants to provide participants with an insight into how the equivalence process works in practice. Come along with your questions ready!

Sara McArthur, Clinical Scientist, NHS Lothian
Dr Cat Macleod, Clinical Engineer, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde


2.  Equivalence - The Portfolio
This workshop will be led by two experienced AHCS assessors and will look in more depth at the STP portfolio, a key element of the STP equivalence process. Putting together the STP portfolio can be a daunting task; this workshop aims to quell that angst by providing attendees with an expert insight into the assessment process. The session will briefly consider the purpose of the portfolio and what its assessed against, before gaining the assessor’s perspective about what they are looking for when assessing a portfolio and how they come to their judgements.

The session will include activities to promote discussion about the possible structure of the portfolio, how to approach writing the summary report and deciding what evidence to include.

Dr Christine DePlacido, Senior Lecturer, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Queen Margaret University
Dr Sandy Small, Consultant Clinical Physicist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde


3.  Assessor Refresh
Attendance is by invite only.

Dr Elaine Jenkins, Head of Standards, Academy for Healthcare Science
Dr Steve Gandy, Medical Physics, NHS Tayside


4.  One Voice in Scotland
Work between the Scottish Forum for Healthcare Science and the Academy for Healthcare Science.

Professor Brendan Cooper, Consultant Clinical Scientist and President of the Academy for Healthcare Science
John Colvin, Head of Service, WESTMARC and Chair of the Scottish Forum for Healthcare Science